Wednesday, March 01, 2006


So... Its been a few days since I updated. Monday was a little "busy" and then Tuesday I came down with the flu... Still have the flu... I've been thinking a lot about what to blog about... Even got a request for "the dirt" on the club. But no... I won't be releasing the dirt. SO then I thought about bloggin about what's on my mind... But no. I cant do that. I'm practicing discretion. So. What do I write about? I thought a list would be nice...

*someone stroking my hair
*Being read kids books
*my favorite blankey
*my stuffed stitch
Well... That was pointless and rather dumb... I blame the fever...
So I like someone... And I know I shouldn't like her. And I know it wont go anywhere. But I do. I look at her sometimes and I wonder how I can possibly have thought my own life a struggle. I feel priveledged and sheltered, even though I have had a tough life. And subsequently... I want to hold her and kiss her and bring her soup when she's sick... But I wont... It will be just what it is... And that's ok...