Friday, March 24, 2006

I saw the sign?

So today I've been thinking about this summer and the path that brought me to my present location. This summer I went through a really rough break up... Her name was Chris. The point at which we broke up was no surprise... It hadn't been a relationship for a long time. Rather we cohabited and occasionally had awkward sex. However the one thing she did passionately was kick me out... And that is how I came to live with P and Stinky (the first time)...
As if by some sublime destiny there was a giant billboard right outside our patio advertising UPN's new comedy.... In giant letters it read "Everybody Hates Chris". It was there like a beacon in this time of need...It was one of those things that was so absurd that you cant make it up...
I wonder sometimes if other peoples lives take on this surreal quality or it is just me. I sit back and look over the characters of my life, Stinky, P, Slinkster, Casanova, Giggles, Pickle and PunkAss and a plethora of others that never make it into my blog tales, as I think of them I cant help but question if we are really that eclectic or if perhaps the world is just this crazy?

What do you think????


Jaxson said...

I think the more eclectic a person's group of friends, the better people they are. It shows an open mindedness towards people and a general accepting nature. It could also mean you go to many different types of places and are friendly, who knows?! :-)

But the billboard, that's priceless. It's like the picture I took back home where on one half it's a pflag billboard, and the other half (same side) is a marine corps billboard! :-) At the time I was just out of boot camp, so I found it hilarious. I have the picture, I should scan it sometime. hehe