Tuesday, February 14, 2006

To the office ladies. (and a short rant about the date)

So I know you all sit there... And actually read my blog which is odd.... So little miss blonde office lady (formely known as KHFW) this post is for you.

While talking with the other office lady on google talk (P) I got quizzed on who is my muse, who is punkass, we know who pickle is....

Blah Blah Blah... You chicks crack me up. I can picture you sitting there. Behind your SUPER tall desk and devouring my blog. Like ME the lesbian nanny actually has something interesting to say. Something that you haven't already heard. Well anyhow... I appreciate the readership... And I will try my damnedest to keep you two entertained so that Uncle thinks your working super hard...

Now.... Its Valentines Day.
I hate Valentines Day. Even when I'm not single... I hate valentines day. Lets review what has come of valentines days past
*my ex gave me a neon Pucker bar sign... I made her a valentine out of lego's and actually sat through a timberwolves basketball game. We vowed that we would not end up at the bar dancing and talking to all our friends ignoring each other. But alas... By 11pm we were on the stage.
*I was preparing to move across country for this girl... I spent $75 on a bus ticket and 8 horrible hours on the bus to be with her for valentines day. And I got a carebear and some black nail polish. Hell we were still together the next valentines day and I cant for the life of me tell you what she got me. Chances are it was jellybeans and a card. BAH
*The rest of them have been spent alone.... Which after reviewing my coupled valentines days... I think I was better off alone. Truly.

This year I have a hot date with Stinky. We are going to McD's and then we are going to finish putting together his lego toy. Nothing says I love you like his smile. Yeah he is definitely the best valentine a girl could ask for! (and I don't even have to shave my legs!)


Anonymous said...

I must say that Stinky sounds linke quite the man if you don't have to shave your legs. I have read a lot of what you write and I understad that are of the lesbo type and seem like you have a chip on your shoulder re: gifts. Take the nail polish and run. Better than getting nothing. Whos is the muse that helped you? interesting. I bet that you have a huge rack and flaunt your shit when you are out. Like a time bomb that starts slow and then after a few drinks you are on the bar or "stage." I can say one thing by reading you day in and day out-you are not as hot as you think and you really need to reel yourself in and take a long look in the mirror. If they say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, then you should step out in public...cause standing in front of the mirror isn't going to make you realize that you aren't that "hot." Keep writing and have a nice heart day with your man "Stinky."

XO-JK said...

ANON- Stinky is 5 i am his Nanny. When i see my beauty it isn't cause its reflected in some cheap piece of glass, rather its reflected in my life. Perhaps I am the girl that lands on stage after a few drinks, and perhaps i do flaunt my shit, but i also understand that my worth lies a lot deeper than will ever be explained on this blog. Perhaps you should step out in public rather than hiding behind anonymous.By reading what i write day in and day out (not to mention i've only been blogging for a week or so) you are falling into my life as well so don't judge.

Anonymous said...

I'm curious as to who are you trying so hard to convince that you're attractive? Yourself? And what's with constantly talking about being a lesbian. You don't see straight people holding up a sign that says, "I'm a heterosexual bookseller" do you? Do yourself a favor and learn what moderation and discretion are. The truth hurts but take this as it's intended - constructive criticism. Not every post has to contain the word "lesbian" or "hot" or "attractive". It's not only about discretion, but humility. The most beautiful women I know possess both. You should learn from them, there is both grace and dignity in moderation, discretion and humility.

Another word of advice, unless your boss is really "the coolest mom ever" you really don't want her to know you're making out with random strangers at the bus stop. Might be a little lesson in that post as well. Kissing is very intimate and very personal.

XO-JK said...

Anon-I think you need to learn a lesson between the real world and a BLOG. and yes my boss is really the "coolest mom ever" and is quite aware of what i do. She happens to be one of the most accepting people i know. She understands that i am young and human and that everyday i grow up a little more.
I blog for amusement.. In a comical manner about the absurdity of life. I write about being a lesbian cause that is part of who i am. It is part of what shapes the way i view the world. In the real world I don't scream from the rooftops that i am gay, sure i have a modest glbt political button on my bag and i will defend the cause till my death. But i dont sport a t-shirt saying lesbian. You must remember that you if do not care for what you read here you are more than welcome to stop reading it. You critisize my expression on the satire of being gay and this is acceptable. I should be discreet. but then is what i do not the same as comedic satire surrounding other cultures, perhaps Chris Rock and his comedy mocking the african american culture. As a sociology student i understand that everything that we are, all our statuses make us individual... Unfortunetly there isn't much entertaining about being a white woman, in the middle class. and may i pose this question. why are you so set against me seeing myself as attractive?