Friday, February 10, 2006

Reasons Not to Drink Blue Cocktails.... And other stuff that's roaming in my head....

So this text is the same color as the drinks I was drinking last night... By the end of the night I was soaked in sweat and making out with this girl at the bus stop... Now... I'm not entirely sure how it happened... But I think it involved the words... Hey you. Lets make out. IT WAS HOT... Hands in hair, soft tongues, that desperate search for bare skin... And somewhere in this exchange I managed to obtain her name, school and major, hometown (also a Midwest girl) and her phone number... So now... I will sit here and wait to see if blondey calls... Cause damn I wanna kiss her again...

So while all this is happening poor Slinkster some how ended up making out with a gay man... He's straight... LOL

Speaking of Slinkster... He got QUITE the shock last night... He got the joy of meeting Stinky in his usual glory.... And by glory I mean minus the pants shaking his chubby little booty! I think that if it weren't for the vodka and red bull Slinkster might not have been able to handle this... OH! Once again Queen P has been dubbed a MILF! Now she needs to drop the act and admit it herself!

So last night I was holed up in the bathroom getting pretty and I had an epiphany (I was stewing over ms.19's girlfriend)... I am not a small chick... But I am amazingly attractive... So I started thinking about the girls I see out at the club... The ones that get all the attention... And its not that they are so beautiful... Its that they have the body to be considered beautiful without actually being aesthetically pleasing. The fact of the matter is that skinny girls that are mediocre in attractiveness claim they are hotter than the hot bigger girls... When in reality if they were to gain 100 pounds they would look like dilapidated cabbage patches... There is something to be said for genuine beauty.

Anywho. Last night while drinking beer with Queen P. We began discussing her future wedding... And how she is gonna have a problem... Kurt Henrich's Future Wife (KHFW) and me will not look good in the same colors... After much discussion she said we could wear whatever we wanted... I VOTED BLACK! She concurred.... Queen P will also wear black to this event.