Sunday, February 12, 2006

Hello my name is Lola and I'm calling from the survey center *click*

So anyhow... My name isn't Lola but I do work for the survey center. And I call people... The speil goes something like this... Blah blah blah calling from the survey center, I promise you I'm not selling anything, I am actually doing a brief opinion study of food shopping. Are you one of the main food shoppers in the house?

Now... This survey takes less than 5 minutes. I am really not trying to sell anything. And face it people... I need to make a living like everyone else, and as a poor college student...This is how I do it. I am stunned by the rude responses... And today I will share some of them with you.

"I'm not interested" - What are you not interested in??? Cause judging by Americas obesity rate I doubt your referring to food. I didn't really need your interest cause I'm not offering you anything. I asked if you were one of the main food shoppers...

"We are on the do not call list"- READ THE FINE PRINT and LISTEN... That list only applies to telemarketers... I am a market research company.

"I don't have time for this"(while hearing something mundane and insanely loud in the back ground like a golden girls rerun)- COME ON! What else do you have to so??? Sophia is always old and Blanch is always horny!

"NO"- They just say No. I ask if they are available. NO. I am a human being too! You can talk to me like one...

Now I do understand that to most people I am simply a telemarketer... But try to understand that people like me need jobs... And if we didn't work in a world where everyone is underemployed then perhaps I could find a less shitty job... But none the less... By you doing the survey and keeping me employed you are contributing to the economy cause trust me its not like I get to SAVE that paycheck...

Also keep in mind....
IF YOU HANG UP ON US..... We put you on call back.
IF YOU ARE RUDE TO US..... We put you on call back.

Get my point... Now try to be nicer to all of the Lola's that call you.


Morris said...

I used to sell fruit on the street corner to pay for my education. Things people do for money, we can look back and cry.

Keep it touch girl.

Mr. Morris
Ask Morris

Pause said...

And that is why I no longer have a home phone. Cause I am always rude ;)

However I'd make an exception for you Julie.

Unknown said...

i lost my phone job... because if there was a little lonely old lady on the other end, i would just sit and listen and talk with her. all of them every day. [shrugs] i found that more rewarding than what my "job" really was.