Thursday, February 16, 2006


THE JUNK DRAWER... Tonight Stinky was adamant about wanting to go out with his Mom although it was an adult work related function. Poor kid is going through separation anxiety which is incredibly normal. So to distract him his mom pulls open the junk drawer and pulls out the following in an effort to distract him.

*shamu stickers
*a hot wheels car
*a calculator that flips itself open
*an old cell phone
*sparkly earrings
* "a toothbrush for your finger" (a brush up)
*more stickers embellished with Stinky's name

And this actually took us from tears to giggles. Its so easy to be a kid. I wish that when I was stressed out I could just open a drawer full of junk, find something amusing and POOF the world would be awesome!


Unknown said...

make your own drawer of stuff.... just collect random things... i can mail you some stuff to help you get started.... and put it in there....then when you get down... you can look in it. i myself have random things about the house... little suprises... like the virgin mary nite light and glow in the dark buddha, and a care bear thing or two.... and power puff girls pencils and and and....

and i have other fun drawers but....