Friday, February 09, 2007

Watching Angels.

So this last week we headed back to Iowa to see K's family. WOW! thats a hell of a lot of people and a hell of a lot of kids. but what a blessing. While we were there K's sister went into labor and we got to be a part of the birth... what a miracle watching this tiny precious baby turn from tummy into a beautiful angel.

on that note... things are going great for me and K. we have been talking a lot more about the future and what we can do to make sure we have the strongest foundation possible. the trip was really good at bringing us closer together.

Mostly though its been a lot of the same old stuff... work and school....


Landlady of Fat said...

omg I got the chance to see my friend have her daughter -- it was sooo weird seeing it from that end! LOL

Glad to hear you two are working on a fab relationship... that's all it takes. :D

Hey, I have my own domain now: please update your bookmark. :D
